What you pay, what you get
The Light version of your Jobhoroscope report is yours at only € 2.95. This version contains some elements from the Full version and gives you a first flavour of your professional personality type. Like it? Curious to learn more? Then get the Full version! This comprehensive report discloses all your personal talents and professional characteristics in great detail. It's yours at only € 34.90.
The Light version - at only € 2.95
The Light version of your Jobhoroscope report is based on a selection of astrological criteria:
- Emphasis of elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire) according to your planet positions in the zodiac's signs
- Emphasis of sign types (Fixed, Cardinal, Mutable) according to your planet positions in the houses
- Your Sun sign
- Birth day characteristics of your specific Sun sign degree
- Your global moon phase at birth, reflecting your position in society
All this for as little as € 2.95. Order now to get yours right away!
The Full version - at only € 34.90
Your Full Jobhoroscope report is based on a wealth of astrological criteria. Our methodology covers the following factors:
- Emphasis of elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire)
- Dominance of sign types (Fixed, Cardinal, Mutable)
- Your Sun sign characteristics
- Birth day characteristics of your specific Sun sign degree
- Your rising sign (Ascendant)
- Degree-specific Ascendant characteristics
- The Ascendant ruler's house position
- Focus in your chart on the hemispheres (1st, 2nd, 3d, 4th)
- Major aspects between the planets in your chart
- Sun, Mars, Mercury sign and house positions
- Focus in your chart on the Houses 2-6-10
- House 2, 6 and 10 qualities: sign, ruler's position, planets
- North Node position (sign and house)
- Your Medium Coeli or Midheaven: sign, ruler's position, planets in House 10
- Chiron house position
- The moon phase at your time of birth
All this at only € 34.90. Order now to get your fully personal Jobhoroscope right away!
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